Interpretation of a dream about floods
When seeing a flood inundating the streets and drowning people, cutting down trees and destroying homes, but benefiting people in the end, this is considered good news and benefit for the dreamer. However, if the vision includes the spread of the flood in the city without anyone escaping it, this may portend that the dreamer will not be able to escape from the injustice of one of the rulers, and he must be careful.
Feeling intense fear when seeing a flood in a dream expresses fears of the power of enemies. While seeing a flood that comes as good rain indicates blessing and growth.
Moreover, surviving a sea flood in a dream is an indication of overcoming great difficulties and freeing oneself from great worries that were burdening the dreamer.
Flood in a dream by Ibn Sirin
In his interpretation of dreams, Ibn Sirsin indicates that the appearance of silver in a dream may portend that the dreamer will be afflicted with a serious illness that will negatively affect his enjoyment of life. If the flood that a person sees in his dream is the color of blood, this symbolizes the danger of the spread of diseases and epidemics in the area where he lives.
As for the vision of the flood attacking the man’s city in a dream, it expresses the possibility of that city being occupied and its resources being exploited by major powers. Watching the flood attack indicates the presence of people with malicious intentions surrounding the dreamer and seeking to harm him.
While a girl’s vision of herself pushing the flood away from her in a dream reflects that she has a strong personality and is capable of confronting those who wish her harm. In a related context, if the dreamer sees that the flood causes the death of many people, this may indicate that this event may be a divine punishment due to the spread of corruption among them.
Interpretation of black flood in a dream
If a black flood is seen during sleep, this vision can express different meanings related to the health and social condition of the dreamer. If this deluge appears to submerge a town or village, it may indicate the risk of serious illness that could lead to death. On the other hand, the presence of this flood in the dreamer’s home may reflect the presence of a disease that threatens the safety of his family.
In addition, seeing a happy flood in a dream indicates confrontations or problems that may occur between people, as the flood in this context represents a symbol of strife and heresies that may cause discord and disagreement. If a person sees the flood moving away from his home, this may be interpreted as an indication that he will avoid these problems and conflicts.
Seeing a black flood in a dream may indicate a feeling of anger and injustice, especially by people who hold power or influence. The dreamer may feel worried about the actions of these people in moments of anger, which will make matters worse.
Interpretation of seeing escape from the flood in a dream
When a person sees himself escaping from a flood in a dream, this may express his attempt to avoid a situation full of problems and dangers, and it may also indicate that he is facing injustice or a major challenge that he seeks to escape from. Ibn Shaheen believes that this dream may reflect the desire to avoid enemies and the negative influences they may carry.
If one is seen escaping from a flooded river, this may mean that the dreamer is avoiding the wrath of a figure of authority or influence, such as a ruler or president. This situation shows the individual's desire to stay away from conflicts that may arise from those authorities.
Sometimes, a vision of escaping a flood may express feelings of fear and anxiety that invade a person regarding an upcoming event or an important change in his life. The dreamer finds himself burdened with concerns and anxiety about what he may face in the future.
According to Ibn Shaheen, if a person in a dream faces the flood instead of escaping from it, this indicates his ability to face enemies and challenges boldly. Usually, his success in facing this in a dream expresses his ability to overcome difficulties in reality as well.
Surviving a flood in a dream
If a person sees in his dream that he is avoiding drowning in a flood, this may mean that he will escape from a risky situation at critical moments. Also, seeing salvation from the flood may indicate returning to the straight path and abandoning bad deeds, inspired by the story of Noah’s Ark, peace be upon him. Whoever sees in his dream that he is boarding a ship to survive, symbolizes his dependence on a righteous person who will protect him from sin and misguidance.
As for entering a flood and then exiting it in a dream, it reflects going through a dangerous period and being able to overcome it with a feeling of fear and anxiety. Surviving this situation could carry a sign of recovery from a serious illness despite the continuation of its effects.
In another context, if the sleeper sees that he is saving someone from a flood in a dream, this symbolizes providing aid and support in reality, and this may include providing advice and guidance. If the rescuer is saving a child, this may express taking on responsibilities towards the child, or it may reflect the child going through a health problem from which he will recover, God willing.
Interpretation of the dream of flooding water in the house
If you see clear water flowing inside your house in a dream and it does not harm you or your property, this may indicate the arrival of goodness and blessings to your home. This vision may also suggest a visit from an important person who will bring you benefit and goodness.
On the other hand, if the flowing water is not pure and appears in colors such as red or black, then this vision may indicate the presence of strife and problems within the family, and sometimes it may indicate diseases that may affect members of the household.
However, if a person sees in his dream that a flood is engulfing his house and not the other homes of his neighbors, then he must reflect on his behavior and actions, as this vision may express a divine warning against sins and transgressions. The warning becomes more severe if the person sees animals such as frogs, locusts, or other insects along with the flood.
If a person sees in a dream that water is coming out of his house, this may mean that the period of worry and fear has passed and the situation has changed for the better. Also, seeing escape from the flood inside the house can reflect staying away from family problems and overcoming temptations peacefully. And God knows everything.
Seeing a flood in a dream for a man
If a man sees a flood in his dream, this may indicate that he is exposed to severe pressure from his manager at work or problems within his family. When a man sees himself submerged and swept away by a flood, this reflects his entry into a serious problem that may cost his life.
On the other hand, if a man dreams that he is surviving a flood, this is an indication that he will successfully overcome difficulties and tribulations, although he may be exposed to some harm during this situation, but he will remain safe.
As for seeing a flood uprooting trees and demolishing homes in a dream, this expresses that the place and its people are exposed to severe injustice, and this may lead to the arrest of men and the separation of families.
Seeing a flood also indicates that a man may lose patience and become extremely angry. This vision urges him to control his feelings to avoid getting into bigger problems.
The meaning of high water levels in a dream
If you see in your dream that water is rising without causing damage to homes or crops, this is a positive indicator that expresses goodness and blessings, especially if the water is clear and its height is moderate.
On the other hand, dream interpreters agree that water that appears abundantly in dreams may carry negative connotations, as water damage in dreams is seen as an indicator that reflects similar meanings in reality.
If your vision of water in a dream appears as a flood coming out of the river or sea and covering lands, fields, and homes, then this presents a warning that there may be potential dangers such as strife, war, or falling under oppression, in addition to the possibility that the area will be exposed to diseases or epidemics.
Flood in a single woman’s dream
If a single girl sees a flood approaching in a dream, this may be an indication of the coming of positive changes in her life, and the possibility of achieving her goals and aspirations that she has always dreamed of. This vision could reflect the beginning of a phase full of success and optimism.
When she sees a flood in her dream, this may indicate that she has good morals and maintains her good qualities in the face of challenges.
However, if she finds herself facing a flood and trying to escape from it in the dream, this expresses her attempt to overcome difficulties and problems in life. If you succeed in getting out of the flood with the help of someone, this may indicate the possibility of major changes such as marriage occurring in the near future, God willing.
Interpretation of a dream about a sea flood for a married woman
If a married woman sees a sea flood in her dream, this may mean that she feels shortcomings in her religious obligations and her relationship with the Creator, and it is important for her to seek to improve this relationship.
Also, if it appears in the dream that the sea is flooding her house, this may indicate tensions and problems that she faces with her children, and this requires her to correct her dealings to avoid negative effects on their future.
Dreaming about a sea flood and trying to escape from it may indicate that she is facing difficulties and pressures in her life during that period, which causes her anxiety and affects her psychological stability. If she sees a flood in her workplace, this may express challenges and competitions at work that may be unfair and carry the intention of harming colleagues.
As for seeing a flood in her dream and its prediction of marital problems, it may indicate disagreements that may develop to serious levels such as divorce if they are not dealt with wisely. In any case, these dreams may be a call to pay attention and take matters seriously to achieve balance and inner peace.
Surviving a flood in a dream for a married woman
When a married woman dreams that she has survived a flood, this dream indicates expected positive changes in her life, as it heralds the arrival of goodness and sustenance, God willing.
If she sees in her dream that she is escaping sea floods, this means the disappearance of the worries and anxieties that weighed on her in past times. This dream represents a transformation and a new beginning for her from pain to relief.
In addition, if she sees in her dream that she is safely passing the flood, this is an indication that she will find ideal solutions to the challenges and difficulties she faces, which were threatening the stability of her marital life.
Finally, the dream of surviving the flood reflects the restoration of safety and happiness in her life, which ends the period in which she suffered from sorrows and challenges, and restores calm and stability to her life.
Interpretation of a dream about flooding water on the road
Seeing flood water in dreams indicates a group of obstacles that may appear in the dreamer’s path, which could hinder his progress towards achieving his ambitions. Such dreams usually appear as a symbol of major obstacles that require great effort to overcome.
Young people who dream of floods in the streets may suffer from a loss of control over their emotions and difficulty setting their priorities clearly. They are advised to be cautious and not to rush into making fateful decisions, especially those that directly affect their future.
For men, dreaming of a flood crossing the road may reflect the influence of negative emotions controlling their lives during that period. This vision carries an indication of their need to regain control of their lives and feelings.
Seeing a flood destroying a dam and leaking turbid water may indicate serious health concerns that may affect a young person’s ability to enjoy life. These dreams are seen as a warning to pay more attention to health and prevention.
Earthquake and flood in a dream
When earthquake and flood appear in people's dreams, they can be considered a symbol of the anxiety and stress that a person experiences due to fear of the future and unexpected events. If a person finds these items in his dream, this may express his feeling of crisis.
For example, if a man sees an earthquake and a flood in his dream, this may reflect his experiences with the injustice he feels he is being subjected to by others, which leads to him feeling the need to look for support and support.
Seeing these natural manifestations in a dream can also indicate that the individual is facing severe financial pressures that may accompany him to great material loss, which reflects dynamic concerns and challenges in reality.
Interpretation of a dream about walking in a flood
When a person dreams that he is walking in a flood, this may be an indication of the internal complexities that he suffers from, as the rushing water symbolizes flowing feelings or unclear thoughts that the individual needs to think carefully about and try to correct.
A man seeing himself walking through a flood in his dream may indicate that he is straying from the straight path in some religious matters. The dreamer is advised to return to the teachings of his religion, repent, and ask God Almighty for forgiveness to avoid possible punishments.
Walking through a flood in a dream could be a warning to one against continuing down a harmful or wayward path. This is an invitation to reflect and reconsider decisions and actions to protect oneself from dire consequences.
Interpretation of a dream about flooding the sea
If a person sees in his dream that the sea is overwhelming the country and then everything returns to its original state, this indicates that good things will happen to the dreamer. If the sea is heading towards the dreamer’s house and he struggles to push it away, this expresses his efforts to protect his family from dangers. Facing a flood in a dream reflects a difficult reality linked to poverty.
If the sleeper sees that the city is sinking under the flood and its residents feel afraid of an oncoming army, this foretells that this army will attack the city and destroy it. Whereas if people see in a dream that they are not afraid of the flood that is submerging the city, this indicates that the coming army will not pose a threat to the city and its residents.
Flooding in a dream for Al-Osaimi
Al-Osaimi points out that a single girl who sees herself running to escape a flood in a dream is working hard to avoid or solve the obstacles she faces in her life. However, if she sees that the flood submerges her house without causing damage, this indicates that she will have blessed sources of livelihood and will overcome problems successfully.
For a married woman, if she dreams that a flood invades her home, this may reflect upcoming major financial challenges that may lead to material and non-material losses.
As for seeing the river flooding, it symbolizes injustice or affliction from someone who has authority over the dreamer. If the dreamer sees the flood coming from the river, this is an indication of her desire to return to the right path and gain salvation from the hardships that stand in her way.
Heavy rain and flood in a dream
When a person sees intense rain and floods in his dream, this may indicate that there is someone in his life who intends to harm him. If the pouring water is accompanied by a color similar to the color of blood, this may indicate that the dreamer will face serious misfortunes or an illness that negatively affects his emotional and physical stability.
On the other hand, if a young man sees a flood resulting from heavy rain in his dream, this may mean that he will suffer from a crisis that may be beyond his ability to handle it alone. Other interpretations suggest that these dreams may herald happy and cheerful times that improve the dreamer's mood and raise his morale.