Learn more about the interpretation of a dream about water flooding the street in a dream according to Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of dreams
NancyProofreader: Nora Hashem17 March 2024Last update: XNUMX weeks ago

Interpretation of a dream about flooding water in the street

If you see floods submerging the streets in dreams, this could reflect the presence of challenges and obstacles in the dreamer’s life that may cause him stress and anxiety about what the future holds. If a person sees these floods in his dream, this may be an indication of some reckless behavior or haste in making important decisions in his life.

On the other hand, if a person sees that the sea is flooding the city in a dream, but without fear of the residents, this may suggest that they will face a period full of opportunities and blessings. Also, dreaming of an earthquake with a flood may express feelings of anxiety and fear about a risky future, which reflects the psychological pressures that the individual may have experienced during that period.

Flood Definition - Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of flood and flood in a dream by Ibn Sirin

When seeing a flood or flood in a dream, Ibn Sirin believes that this may indicate the spread of an epidemic in the place where the dreamer lives. This vision can also express the possibility that the country will be subjected to an invasion by enemies or the intervention of military forces. If the flood in the dream does not cause harm, it may symbolize a harmless attack.

A flood that appears in red or as a bloody flood in a dream portends the spread of a dangerous disease or epidemic among people, whether in general society or among the people closest to the dreamer. The damage caused by the flood inside homes is particularly severe and severe.

Ibn Sirin also indicated that seeing a flood may be an indication of injustice and oppression practiced by rulers or authorities. Floods that submerge homes and streets in dreams can reflect severe aggression by the ruler or enemies, depending on the extent of the damage to people and their livelihood.

Seeing a river flood crossing roads, streets and houses in a dream may mean that people will face difficult times and hardships. It may also indicate arbitrariness and injustice on the part of the sultan or an unjust ruler.

Interpretation of a dream about flooding the sea and escaping from it

When a person dreams that seawater is submerging buildings and streets, this symbolizes temptations and tribulations according to the interpretation given by Ibn Sirin. On the other hand, if sea water is seen overflowing without causing any harm, this indicates the arrival of a ruler or sultan to the place, bringing with him goodness and benefits to the people.

Sheikh Al-Nabulsi also mentioned that seeing a sea flood in a dream means goodness coming from the ruler if the flood is not accompanied by any drowning or damage. Moreover, if a person sees in his dream that the sea enters his house without leading to drowning, then this is an indication of the benefit that he will gain from the ruler or officials.

On the other hand, the interpretation shows that the receding sea water in the dream and the appearance of the edges carry negative connotations related to deficiency, poverty, and drought. The vision expresses the weakness of the ruler or official himself, in addition to the reflection of that weakness on the dreamer in his ability and control over his family or workers.

Interpretation of a flood in a dream for single women

If a single girl sees a flood in a dream, this vision may indicate that she will face great difficulties in her life. In the context of the dream, if the girl is immersed in the flood and is unable to escape from it, this symbolizes that she will fall into serious problems or suffer from friends who negatively influence her and bring her harm.

On the other hand, a red flood in a single woman’s dream may indicate an illness that may affect a member of her family. While the black flood in a dream could symbolize her feeling of injustice or harsh control from a dominant person over her.

If she saw a flood entering her house in a dream without causing any harm, this may mean the appearance of a man in her life who seeks to propose to her. He has influence and wealth, but his personality is characterized by tyranny and injustice.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing a flood in a dream for a divorced woman

In a dream, when a divorced woman sees a flood engulfing everything and then the situation returns to what it was, this indicates the possibility of her reconnecting with her ex-husband.

Also, the scene of the divorced woman pushing the flood away from her home in the dream with all her strength reflects the extent of her determination to overcome the effects of divorce and protect her family from any harm that may befall them.

If a divorced woman witnesses a flood during the winter, this is considered an indication of her deep longing to strengthen her relationship with God and increase her connection to the teachings of her religion.

Interpretation of seeing escape from a flood in a dream

When a person sees in his dream that he is fleeing from a flood, this is a vision that may express his fear or turmoil regarding a new situation that may be approaching in his life. This vision may indicate that the person is worried about the challenges that new changes may bring.

On the other hand, escaping from a flood in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of avoiding major problems or temptations that the dreamer may face in real life. In a similar context, the vision of fleeing a flooded river carries meanings related to staying away from the wrath of an authority figure, such as a ruler or president.

In addition, it was reported from Ibn Shaheen, one of the great interpreters, that whoever sees in his dream fleeing from a flood may be about to face opposition or conflict with an enemy or someone with whom he disagrees, and the dream’s events often reflect the dreamer’s reality. The vision of escaping from torrents and floods may also express the desire to stay away from people who are considered harmful or harmful in the dreamer’s life.

Thus, this vision is not just a passing event during sleep, but rather it may carry important connotations and signals related to the dreamer’s personal life and his dealings with developments therein.

Interpretation of a dream about flooding the sea

If a person sees in his dream that the sea is overflowing and submerging the entire land, and then things return to normal, this is an indication that happy events will occur for the dreamer in the near future. When someone dreams that a sea flood is approaching his home and he is trying to repel it forcefully, this reflects his strong desire to protect his family from any harm they may face.

Moreover, a dream in which the dreamer resists a flood indicates that he may suffer from poverty in reality. While seeing the city sinking under water portends the arrival of military forces that may launch an attack and destroy it, especially if the city’s people feel afraid of these forces.

On the other hand, if a person sees that a flood is drowning the city but its people are not afraid, this indicates that the coming army will not pose a threat to their safety.

Interpretation of seeing a flood of rain

The presence of a flood in a dream symbolizes blessings and wealth, as heavy rain brings abundant livelihood and increased good deeds. If a person feels pleasure from seeing rain floods, this may reflect a feeling of happiness and joy in waking life, and foretells the fulfillment of desired wishes, dreams, and goals.

However, if a person sees himself drowning in a flood of rain in a dream, this may indicate that he is suffering from deep sadness and worries due to missteps in his private or professional life. On the other hand, if a flood submerges everywhere, this may indicate mass destruction such as wars and natural disasters such as earthquakes, which will bring difficulties to the dreamer and his community.

When rain floods appear in the summer in dreams, this can express a feeling of security and stability, ending disputes and dissipating worries. However, seeing a flood destroying trees is considered a bad sign, as it warns of facing dangers that may affect the dreamer or his family.

Also, seeing a black flood portends the spread of diseases, epidemics, and the deterioration of values ​​in society. If the flood destroys homes, it portends various troubles that may befall the dreamer, including material losses and increased debts.

Interpretation of a dream about toilet water flooding

When a person sees in his dream that the toilet is overflowing, it may mean that he will face a severe illness that may force him to stay in bed for a long time. This vision may also symbolize the presence of grave sins and transgressions that this person has committed in the past, and it is an invitation to him to quickly repent and return to the right path.

In addition, seeing an overflowing toilet may indicate the presence of many enemies who are waiting for the opportunity to harm the dreamer and may cause him many problems.

Flood in a dream for a man

When a person dreams that he is escaping from a flood, this indicates that he will face a great challenge in his life, but he will be able to overcome it. However, if the flood appears red and is submerging his city in the dream, this may indicate the spread of diseases and epidemics in the place where he resides.

In another case, if a person sees in his dream that a flood is entering his house and intensifying, this expresses divine anger resulting from engaging in undesirable actions or immoral behaviors. If he sees a flood at an unusual time, this could mean the emergence of a new heresy in the society in which he lives and he may find himself following it with others.

Interpretation of a dream about flooding the sea and escaping from it for single women

When a single woman dreams that she sees the sea overflowing and is able to escape from it, this is evidence of her ability to overcome the obstacles that prevent her from progressing. If the flood appears only in her room and she is able to escape from it, this reflects her experience with a person who is not suitable for her, and with whom she will face difficulties that may not last long.

The flood that she survives indicates that the dreamer will reach a high position in society despite the obstacles that may stand in her way. The flood and surviving it also indicates the presence of people around the dreamer who may seek to drag her into bad deeds, but she will be able to escape them and preserve herself.

Interpretation of a dream about flooding the sea and escaping from it for a pregnant woman

When a pregnant woman sees in her dream sea waves engulfing her house and survives this, this indicates that she will face health challenges during her pregnancy that will go away with the birth of her child. If she saw water flooding inside her room and was able to escape, this is an indication of her constant anxiety and extreme concern for the safety of her fetus, in addition to an indication that her due date is approaching.

If she sees the sea engulfing her and she is saved from it, this expresses her suffering from psychological pressure due to her husband’s serious illness, and as his health condition improves, her psychological state begins to regain stability.

However, if she sees the flood completely destroying her house, this reflects that she is in a severe financial predicament that requires joint struggle with her husband until the financial situation improves and the material burdens placed on them are reduced.

Interpretation of a dream about a valley flood and surviving it

If a person sees in his dream that he is escaping a flood in a valley, this reflects that he is close to facing a major crisis, but he will overcome it safely and regain his stability thanks to divine providence.

This dream is considered evidence of the dreamer's ability to overcome difficulties that threaten his personal life and stability. This dream also indicates his ability to manage things wisely and rationally in times of distress, which leads to important benefits and benefits that he may enjoy later.

Interpretation of a dream about flooding a city

When cities are submerged in dreams by seas, this often expresses a state of deep anger and sadness that prevails among the population due to their suffering from oppression and injustice practiced by rulers and those in power. On the other hand, this flood indicates divine wrath resulting from the accumulation of sins and transgressions among people, which portends the imminent arrival of severe punishment.

If the flood appears red in the dream, this foretells bad news related to the occurrence of epidemics and severe natural disasters that may destroy the lives of many and lead to comprehensive destruction of the city in a short period of time.

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