Learn about the interpretation of the dream of marrying the king’s son for a single woman in a dream according to Ibn Sirin

Mohamed Sharkawy
Interpretation of dreams
Mohamed SharkawyProofreader: Rana Ehab10 March 2024Last update: 4 months ago

Interpretation of a dream about marrying the king's son for a single woman

If a girl dreams that she is about to marry a prince, it is likely to serve as a symbol of achieving academic success, especially if the girl is still in the stages of education. If she sees that the prince is offering her food, this may mean that she will meet a partner who will support her and have great affection for her. While wearing a wedding suit in a palace indicates that she may be associated with a person of high status and wealth.

As for dreaming that the prince gives her gifts or a ring, it symbolizes the fulfillment of her wishes and her marriage to a person who enjoys a prominent position in society. In addition, the dream of marrying a prince from another country may indicate that she will marry someone from outside her country, which will bring her a new and happy life away from her country of origin.

Interpretation of marriage in a dream for single women - Interpretation of dreams

Interpretation of a dream about marrying a princess for a married person

If a person dreams that he is marrying a princess, this can be considered an indication that the date of his engagement is near and that he will begin preparing for this event. If the person is already married, the dream may symbolize the appreciation his family and wife have for him, as they treat him as if he were a prince. This may also reflect a state of happiness and stability in his marital life.

On the other hand, if a person sees that he is feeding a prince with his own hand in a dream, this may indicate that he is experiencing temporary financial difficulties. While a person turns into a prince and marries a princess in the dream, it may reflect that he is exposed to some major problems such as imprisonment.

Seeing a princess in a dream often brings good news and the fulfillment of wishes. If the princess gives a gift in the dream, the value of the gift may determine the extent of happiness or humiliation the dreamer may experience in reality.

Married woman marrying a prince in a dream

If a woman sees in her dream that a prince is shaking her hand, this may mean the end of the difficulties she faces is approaching. Also, the vision of eating food from the prince’s hand on an occasion such as a wedding promises good news that she will attain great goodness. If she dreams that her husband wants to marry her to a king, this may be a sign of facing new troubles, but they will not last long.

Seeing her marrying someone from the royal family carries within it a sign of the fulfillment of her desires and great successes in her future. If she sees the king smiling at her, this is an indication that she will attain a prestigious position and honor. If the king wants to marry her and she refuses, this may express challenges she may face.

Dreaming about marrying a prince indicates stability and happiness in her married life, and indicates opening the doors of goodness and joy in her future life.

Interpretation of a dream about marrying a prince by Ibn Sirin

Ibn Sirin’s interpretations explain that a single woman’s vision of marrying a prince in a dream expresses her reaching a high rank and achieving stability and happiness in her life. This dream is an indication that her life has changed for the better, as it indicates her emergence from loneliness and suffering to a more prosperous and successful life. Marriage to Amir also symbolizes academic and scientific success for female students, which means their excellence and achievements compared to their peers. In addition, for a woman, this dream represents good news that she will marry the person she loves and that she will live with him a life full of happiness and stability. The dream of marrying a prince also encourages a single woman to take advantage of the future opportunities she will face to improve her life circumstances.

Interpretation of a dream about marrying a prince for a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman’s dream that she has married a prince is considered an auspicious sign of good news and positive changes in her life. It is said that this dream foretells that the child she will give birth to will be a boy, and that the pregnancy period will pass peacefully and smoothly. This dream is also interpreted as promising relief from pain and getting rid of the difficulties that you may face during this period.

Moreover, a dream about marrying a prince for a pregnant woman indicates an easy birth and that the child will have attractive features and be loved by everyone. It is also believed that having this dream heralds that the upcoming child will bring blessings and much goodness to his family.

In addition, this dream may suggest new opportunities for the spouse, such as obtaining a promotion at work or an improvement in professional status. Dreams sometimes reflect the wishes and hopes that we carry in our hearts, and the pregnant woman seeing her marrying a prince may be a reflection of her desires for a more stable and happy life for her family.

Interpretation of a dream about marrying a prince to a divorced woman

If a divorced woman sees in her dream that she is marrying a prince, this can be considered an indication of major positive changes that will occur in her life. This vision may express her transition to a new stage of stability and psychological comfort, which compensates her for the difficulties she went through in the past. The dream also indicates the possibility that this woman will find a life partner who is characterized by piety and good morals, which will contribute to her overcoming the problems she faced and closing the pages of the past. In addition, her free life may witness increased pressure and tension.

Interpretation of a dream about seeing the king and sitting with him

If a person sees in his dream that the king is smiling at him and inviting him to approach him, this indicates the dreamer’s high status and God’s approval of him. If he sees that he has become a president, a minister, or holds a high position, and he is among those who hold important positions in reality, then this is an indication of his promotion to a higher rank. If he is not one of those holding positions, the vision warns of poverty and problems. For philosophers, writers and people of wisdom, such visions bode well and enhance their status. On the other hand, seeing the Sultan or the president being carried on the necks reflects the deterioration of the dreamer’s religious condition, the weakness of his faith, and the lack of good deeds. If he sees people throwing stones and money at the king, this expresses their rebellion against him, their hearing bad rumors against him, and their disobedience to his orders. Also, if someone sees in a dream that the palace of the king or president has collapsed and become ruins, this indicates the deterioration of the dreamer’s religion and his neglect of his responsibilities, which may lead to him losing his job and being fired.

Interpretation of a vision of marrying a dead prince

If a woman dreams that she married a prince who has already died and the wedding was solemn and remarkable, this may be an indication that she may suffer from an illness in the future. If the dream witnesses a huge feast during the party, this vision may indicate that the dreamer may be close to the end of her life. These dreams sometimes show a feeling of extreme isolation and reflect negative feelings that the person is experiencing.

On the other hand, these visions may sometimes herald an improvement in the status of the woman herself or that of her husband.

Interpretation of seeing Prince Muhammad bin Salman in a dream

When a single girl dreams of marrying Prince Mohammed bin Salman, this may indicate that she is constantly thinking about a person she would like to marry, but this person does not share the same feelings as her.

If Prince Mohammed bin Salman appears in the dream smiling and wearing luxurious and beautiful clothes, this could reflect expectations that the dreamer will enjoy happiness and comfort in his life.

Seeing shaking hands with the king in a dream for single women

When the king is from a bygone era, this handshake may mean achieving a distinguished achievement or reaching a level of fame that contributes to providing benefits to society. On the other hand, if the king is from the current era, the handshake indicates obtaining a high leadership position or assuming administrative responsibilities in major power centers.

This vision is also evidence of the pursuit of a goal that the dreamer has always wanted to reach and for which she has made great efforts. However, the seer must remember that events in life are subject to change and that nothing remains the same.

According to experts’ interpretations, shaking hands with the king may also mean traveling to a country with a monarchy such as Saudi Arabia or England, which could express the beginning of a new experience or a different stage in the dreamer’s life.

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